The Chapter President shall preside at all meetings and shall be the executive officer of the organization. The Chapter President shall serve as the primary contact for the chapter and will serve as the medium between the UNL College of Business, the chapter, and the Grand Chapter of Gamma Iota Sigma. They shall oversee the budget and financial well-being of the organization. The President bridges the gap between the Actuarial Science club and Gamma Iota Sigma to ensure that both organizations coordinate when necessary. The president is appointed by the outgoing president and faculty advisor.
Gamma Chair
The Gamma Chair is the primary programmer for the organization. The Gamma Chair is responsible for organizing travel to the Drake Symposium in the spring and travel to the Annual Conference in the fall. The Gamma Chair is also responsible for outreach to national GIS partners and communication with other GIS chapters. The Gamma Chair is appointed by the outgoing president and faculty advisor.
The Treasurer is responsible for publishing the Chapter Report and recording meeting minutes for the organization. The Treasurer is also responsible for maintaining membership records, t-shirt and pin records, tracking attendance and member points, collecting dues, and approving reimbursements.
Communications Director
The Communications Director is responsible for sending out a weekly newsletter and other internal communications as needed to keep members updated about various events and scholarship opportunities.
Social Media Director
The Social Media Director is responsible for maintaining the organization’s social media and digital presence. They are also responsible for designing club T-shirts.
Operations Director
The Operations Director is responsible for room reservations and submitting EPRs. The Operations Director is responsible for coordinating recruitment efforts including recruitment events, flyers, and classroom speakers. The Operations Director is responsible for arranging food, snacks, and drinks for meetings.
Assistant Treasurer
The Assistant Treasurer shall assist in the duties of the Treasurer.