The Actuarial Science Community
Gamma Iota Sigma's greatest benefit is the people who make up the organization! In our community, you'll find individuals who are friendly, motivated, and eager to learn. Our members form strong connections and friendships with other students in various ways, a few of which are listed below.
Travel to Conferences
Social Events
Study Groups
Engaging Learning Opportunities
We host highly engaging meetings aiming to grow our members' professional and technical skills. Our chapter strives to provide as many hands-on and interactive learning opportunities as possible every semester. Here's an idea of some of the cool events we have done over the past couple of years:
Company Visits
Lunch and Learns
Skills Workshops
Insurtech and Entrepreneurial Speakers
Top Golf Networking with the Chi Chapter
Axe Throwing With a Broker and Carrier
Professional Development
Our members' professional skills and familiarity with insurance topics separate them from other students when applying for internships and jobs. Our events and initiatives help members throughout their collegiate career development experience.
Campus Recruiting Events
Resume Workshop and Support
Mock Interviews
Career Fair Prep
Actuarial Exam and Course Planning/Support
Networking Opportunities
Travel Opportunities
Gamma Iota Sigma members travel to so many insurance conferences because of to the financial support of sponsors, donors, and college of business funding! During these trips, our members expand their professional network, broaden their perspectives on the insurance industry and actuarial field, and form closer relationships with their peers.
Leadership Opportunities
Through Gamma Iota Sigma, members can run for chapter leadership roles and apply for national leadership positions. In addition to running the operations of the chapter, our chapter's officer have priority access to travel, closer exposure to guest speakers, and develop valuable leadership skills.
Gamma Iota Sigma members are more competitive applicants for insurance-related and actuarial scholarships. GIS members have received many of the following scholarships and would be happy to help you apply!
When joining Gamma Iota Sigma, you have access to free membership add-ons to these professional organizations. Existing members, follow the links to apply!